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Year 5


My Media Balance Lesson Plan (Media Balance & Well-Being).

Students learn a framework for making informed media choices and to help them find healthy media balance in their lives.

Click Here to Watch Video!

Digital Life 101 Lesson Plan (Media Balance & Well-Being).

Students learn all the ways we consume, create, and share digital media in our daily lives, then reflect on its omnipresence.

Click Here to Watch Video!

Reading News Online Lesson Plan (News & Media Literacy).

Students learn the components of online news articles, paying close attention to advertising and sponsored content that can be confused with article content.

Click Here to Watch Video!

GAME: Mix-n-Mash (Creative Credit).

Students remix media content to create a new creative piece, while giving proper credit to the artists whose images and sound clips they use.




What's Cyberbullying? Lesson Plan (Cyberbullying, Digital Drama).

Students learn what kinds of online behaviours are cyberbullying and ways to combat it.

Click Here to Watch Video!

Presenting Yourself Online Lesson Plan (Digital Footprint & Identity).

Students hear from teens about the benefits and drawbacks of presenting themselves differently (or even anonymously) to others online, and consider what it means to "be yourself" in digital spaces.

Click Here to Watch Video!

Who You're Talking To Online Lesson Plan (Relationships & Communication).

Students hear what other teens have to say about meeting and talking to known and unknown people online, think about the types of information they're sharing about themselves, and consider strategies to keep their online friendships safe and positive.

Click Here to Watch Video!

GAME: E-volve (Upstander). Students respond to cyberbullying scenarios and are prompted to make choices to "evolve" into an upstander.


Social Media TestDrive Simulations:


Like a driving simulator for young people learning to drive a car for the first time, Social Media TestDrive provides a simulated experience of realistic digital dilemmas and scenarios, along with key concepts and strategies for navigating them.

Each Social Media TestDrive module teaches a set of digital citizenship concepts within a safe and protected platform. Young people can practice important social media skills without worrying about negative consequences.

Social Media TestDrive does not collect or store any personal information. Young people are able to create a profile, but all data is permanently deleted once users finish a module or leave the Social Media TestDrive website.

  • Is This Private Information? (Relationships & Communication). Students learn what information is safe to share with different audiences on social media and what information is inappropriate to share.
  • Scams and Phishing (Privacy & Security). Students learn to understand the consequences of identity theft, and how to take action against phishing scams on social media.
  • Online Identities (Digital Footprint & Identity). Students learn to manage self-presentation, and understand how online identities can change with different audiences on social media.
  • News in Social Media (News & Media Literacy). Students understand why fake news exists, and how to identify the telltale signs of fake news on social media.

Digital Compass Game:

The award-winning game is an innovative way to give students the freedom to explore how decisions made in their digital lives can affect their relationships and futures.

Through the suite of popular choose-your-own-path games, students play through the perspective of one of eight main characters, each of whom is facing a different digital citizenship dilemma. The varied story paths and multiple decision points encourage students to play repeatedly in order to explore alternative courses of action.

Click Here for Digital Compass Game!

  • Character A: Insta-Slammed (Cyberbullying, Digital Drama & Hate Speech). Students play Pepper, who is popular at school but has a lot to learn when it comes to being a good friend, as she gets caught up in the newest app craze of Cute or Brute.
  • Character N: Kung Fu Fibber (Digital Footprint & Identity). Students play Hutch, who's determined to master all things sports-related, but has yet to learn how to master his own self-image online.
  • Character Y: Far-Fetched Facts (News & Media Literacy). Students play Jay, who has been assigned a research report assignment on an endangered insect, but who's overwhelmed by searching for credible resources.
  • Character W: Digital Heartbreak (Cyberbullying, Digital Drama & Hate Speech). Students play Rhonda, who makes decisions on a roller coaster of digital drama when her friend gets swept up in a new romance.
  • Character H: Me, Me, Meme (Digital Footprint & Identity). Students play Wink, who is competing with her friend to land the internship of her dreams, but may be tarnishing her digital footprint in the process.
  • Character E: Hack-a-Wrong (News & Media Literacy). Students play Seven, who is determined to make his mark with a winning invention, but whose creative process is influenced by the "inspiration," as well as distractions, he finds at every turn.
  • Character R: Break It Down (Digital Footprint & Identity). Students play Breaker, who is tempted to become famous by posting his dance moves online and managing his digital footprint on his journey to fame.
  • Character E: Sticky Situation (Privacy & Security). Students play Miko, who finds herself in a sticky situation after signing up for the newest app everyone is obsessed with, then quickly realizing the sacrifice to her online privacy.



Learn to code – Pre-reader Express

Learn computer science by trying the lessons at your own pace! Learn to create computer programs, develop problem-solving skills, and work through fun challenges! Make games and creative projects to share with friends, family, and teachers.

Learn to code – Ages 9 to 18: Express Course

Learn computer science by trying the lessons below at your own pace! Learn to create computer programs, develop problem-solving skills, and work through fun challenges! Make games and creative projects to share with friends, family, and teachers.




