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Communication and Interaction

Speech & Language Therapy in School


Our school works to support and develop all children's speech, language and communication skills with guidance from our NHS link Speech & Language Therapist, Lizzie Wells, our school-employed Speech & Language Therapist, Sarah Hooper, and our Specialist Teachers. Your child may come into contact with Lizzie or Sarah within their classroom or around the school. The SENCos will have regular meetings with Lizzie & Sarah to discuss our school’s provision.


Sarah Hooper, S&LT

Lizzie Wells & Sarah Hooper, School Speech & Language Therapists


If you have any concerns about your child’s speech, language or communication skills, please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance.


If we have discussed a specific concern with you about your child’s speech, language or communication, or you have raised a concern, we will decide together whether to discuss this with our therapists and how best to support your child. You will be kept informed of any plans to support your child.

Communication and Interaction – What do we provide?

Universal Provision – All children have access to:


  • NHS Speech & Language Therapist via the Communication Clinic
  • school-employed Speech & Language Therapist
  • a Language Link assessment
  • structures, routines, rituals and whole school environment enriched by visuals
  • opportunities to express their thoughts, ideas and feelings including the school council
  • a language rich curriculum with a focus of key vocabulary
  • access to supportive strategies such as Language Through Colour
  • a range of out of classroom, off-site learning opportunities and extra curricula activities
  • a range of strategies and resources to help support Communication & Interaction, for example, Key Vocabulary mats
  • a range of interventions such as Lego Club, Social Skills Groups
  • Zones of Regulation with a focus on naming emotions
  • clear expectations
  • collaborative working with their teacher and parents
  • transitional support e.g.  starting school, leaving parents in the mornings 
  • staff that are trained in relevant Communication & Interaction issues/strategies
  • Makaton signing lessons, for example, teaching during assembly and practicing within the school environment, as well as Sign & Sign assemblies


School policies and procedures will run alongside (including the Behaviour Policy) as well as quality first teaching and reasonable adjustments as stated in the Mainstream Core Standards


Targeted Provision – All children have access to: (should they require it)


  • NHS Speech & Language Therapist via the SENCo
  • School employed Speech & Language Therapist
  • the Engagement Project – including out of classroom/off-site opportunities
  • interventions, as stated in provision maps
  • observations and assessment of needs by the relevant specialists/with the relevant tools, for example, Speech Link, Language For Learning
  • personalised outcomes, targets, resources and strategies (these may be stated in Personalised Plans)
  • personalised resources e.g. laptop, visuals, task boards
  • a personalised Support Plan


Specialised Provision – For those that require it, there is access to:


  • a personalised time-table
  • smaller class group
  • access to our Specialist Resource Provision (SRP)
  • higher staffing ratios
  • an EHCP and Provision Plan
  • a range of appropriate services e.g. Kent & Medway Communication & Assistive Technology (CAT) team
  • Specialised interventions/tools, for example, Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
  • an NHS Speech & Language Therapist via 1:1 sessions



Useful links


Speech, language & communication development and needs:


Strategies, techniques and therapy approaches:

