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First week back for Kangaroo Class!


We have enjoyed a busy week back and have started to run our full onsite timetable straight away.  We have completed some activities, attention buckets and sensory/relaxation sessions in class this week.  Next week our offsite trips will get up and running so please look out for communications about if your child will need anything for these sessions. 

The children have made self portraits this week of themselves and these are going to be displayed in the classroom.
Can you guess which one is your child?

Self Portrait Plates

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Forest school

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This Monday we visited forest school and despite being a bit wet and muddy we explored and started to familiarise ourselves with the environment.

Kangaroos learning week two

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We have been busy in Kangaroo class, learning about the hungry caterpillar story and completing activities around this. The children have been painting/collating fruits, ordering numbers and learning the story in story time. Also we have explored the field in PE and were impressed by the children’s throwing and catching skills, while some just enjoyed the freedom of the space to run!

Whitfield Recreation trip

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We had a lovely sunny trip to Whitfield Rec this week and the children loved exploring the equipment. They were climbing, jumping, swinging and sliding through the afternoon. Long may the nice weather last!

Kangaroos learning week 4

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Lots of Hungry Caterpillar activities, water play and music with the claves!

Let’s get physical!

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This week we have introduced PE in the hall with a range of equipment for the children to explore. They really enjoyed balancing, climbing and jumping along the course and also loved playing ball games, from cricket to hockey to basketball. We also had sometime outdoors to play some more games with the parachute and more balls! A throughly energetic week!


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We use various spaces and ways to relax after lunchtime, and here’s some of our activities.

Halloween fun!

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We have built up to the end of term and Halloween with lots of fun activities, pumpkin hunt, then carving, designing pumpkins, making mummy cakes, icing and decorating the cakes and then a Halloween party with cake! The children have a had a lovely term and we look forward to the next...after a break and rest!

Fire Safety Week!

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This week we have focused on fire safety to coincide with Bonfire night. Our activities have entered around keeping safe on bonfire night, fireworks and the fire brigade. The children had a visit from the Dover fire bridage on Thursday and we have completed some fire safety based activities to embed their experience.

The Gruffalo

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We have had great fun with our Gruffalo themed activities at the start of term 2! We have made woodland scenes, acted out the story with character masks, completed Gruffalo counting and addition and made woodland shape animals too. The children have really enjoyed watching the story and listening to the songs.

Kearney Abbey

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We have enjoyed our trips to Kearsney Abbey so far and got to grips with exploring the new park. The children went on a nature hunt this week, spotting and counting animals on the trees and recording this on a sheet. Some children showed some great independence! We will continue this trip next term also and allow them to try out the cafe too.

Kangaroos have had a lovely week learning about Christmas. They went to the Christmas fare and enjoyed the tombola, guessing the bears name as well as decorating various christmas related items. The kangaroos loved watching the Jack in the bean stalk Panto. 
