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Tiger class

Last Oscar winners of Term 1

End of term 1 Reading Treat - Movie and Afternoon Tea

DT - adding the circuit to the alarm system

DT - creating the alarm system for 'Tilly's house'

English - Creating a Battle Plan for 'Tilly'

Science - Which objects are conductors or insulators?

This week's Oscar winners are.....

DT - design stage of an alarm system

Science - Making circuits with foil and then with real switches

This week's winners are.....

And the oscar goes to.....

Art - Watercolour backdrop with a black silhouette

Science - looking at how torches work

Maths - Rounding game

Geography - Fieldtrip around Whitfield - looking at the changes in housing

This week's oscar winners

Art - Experimenting with 9 watercolour techniques

Maths - converting Arabic numbers into Roman numerals

Science - getting excited when the circuits were created successfully

Science - labelling the parts of an electric circuit

Geography - Looking at the changes to Whitfield using Digimaps

This week's oscar winners

First oscar winners of Year 4 2024/2025

Geography - looking at the changes of a village

English - Conscious corridor - Journey

English - Character profile for Journey
