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Telephone: 01304 821526


Welcome to Eagle Class



The class teacher is Jonathan

The TAs are Donna, Emma, Joe, Abby, Sarah and Rebekkah.

Staff photos

Term 3

This term, we have lots planned for the children, we are going to be learning about Forces in Science focusing on pushing and pulling whilst investigating the impact that resistance has on objects being pulled or pushed. There will be photos throughout this term showing what we have done. 


For English, we are going to initially be reading the book 'Bobby and the Robin' where we we do some re-enacting and work on our writing stamina. 


In Maths, we will continue to use our concrete, pictorial and abstract method of learning to embed pupil's understanding of number, we will initially be using money as a way of teaching addition and developing pupil's ability to recognise coin/note value. 


On a Tuesday, we will continue to have Music lessons with Pete where we are going to learn how to use a Glockenspiel to re-create familiar songs. 


Inclusion will be taking place at different times during the week where the focus is for pupils to develop friendships with pupils from their year groups within other classes and also to learn about topic that they are interested in. I will always ensure that pupils are given the choice as to how much they want to do, but the ambition is for all pupils to get opportunities to work with children from different classes as often as possible.  


Term 2

Crafts With Parents

Topic: Urban and Rural

Term 1


If you are interested in seeing more of our learning from Term 1, see the pictures below. We have been learning about the Great Fire of London in topic, we will be designing and making Victorian houses then using junk modelling to make them. 


In Maths, we are working on our understanding of number with some working on numbers up to 10, some up to 100 and others up to 1000. 


In PE, we are learning how to play Boccia which we have loved doing so far.


We look forward to learning more as the year goes on. 


We hope you enjoy looking at our class page. 

Tudor House Building

World Languages

Paralympic PE Session
