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Monkey Class

We had some special visitors today!

In English we wrote play-scripts about how to create an Egyptian mummy and then performed them

Our depiction of the Christmas story

Our visit from Santa and his ‘tiny’ elf

It’s Panto time!!!

We had such a great time at the Christmas Fair!

Ancient Egyptian day- Building pyramids using marshmallows and cocktail sticks!

Ancient Egyptian Day - creating a clay sarcophagus

Enhanced provision activities to support our learning this week

Creating Egyptian death masks

In history today we learnt about Egyptian pyramids, creating the 4 different types out of play dough and making paper pyramid fact files.

Our whole class River Nile soundscape

Still image for this video

Children In Need Day! Pyjama Fun!

Some children have decided to create posters to show what they know about a particular subject. Others have been using the resources and activities provided to further their learning during Enhanced Provision time this week

In Science, we have started learning about states of matter. Here we are being particles of matter! Can you tell if we are being a solid, liquid or a gas?

This afternoon, each child made a poppy out of felt for Remembrance Day. These are now displayed as a wreath on our classroom window.

Some enhanced provision activities that the children enjoyed doing on their first day back.
