Telephone: 01304 821526
Reminder - we are a nut free school - please bear this in mind for packed lunches
School meals are provided by Caterlink.
To order and pay for school dinners, please order via your ParentPay account. Details below.
Meals currently cost £2.85 (prices correct as of 1 September 2024)
Healthy lunches
Please see below link for ideas for healthy lunches from the NHS:
Universal free school meals - Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
All pupils in reception, year 1 and year 2 are offered a free school meal (FSM).
If you receive certain benefits (see below), the school also receives additional money to support your child's learning if you register.
Year 3 or above
Free School Meals are available to any full-time student who is still at school and eligible. This includes nursery children who attend full days and also sixth form students. From September 2014, parents and carers with pupils aged 16–18 in Further Education can apply for free school meals.
You can get Free School Meals for your child if you or your partner gets: