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As of September 2020, the Government is introducing a new statutory framework for teaching Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSE) for Primary and Secondary schools.
‘It is lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development. It is about understanding of the importance of family life, stable and loving relationships, respect, love and care. It is also about teaching of sex, sexuality and sexual health. It is not about the promotion of sexual orientation or sexual activity – this would be inappropriate teaching’ (Department of Education RSE Guidance 0116/2000).
Over the past year we have been preparing for this by following guidance from the PSHE association and Department of Education and have been looking at teaching schemes that we feel are appropriate for our children and will best enable us to deliver this new subject in our school.
We have chosen the Christophe Winter Project (CWP) scheme of work which all teachers will teach from. Below is an example lesson plan from each year group to give parents an idea of the lesson format and what will be taught, there is also the Curriculum overview showing the focus of all RSE lessons taught throughout the school. Below you will also find the schools RSE Policy which has a summary of the scheme of work for each year group included and a leaflet from the Secretary of State.
Why is RSE needed?
What will my child actually be taught in Sex Education?
Pathways 1 and 2 take elements of the Early Years curriculum and CWP lessons, learning about themselves, their families and selfcare for those children who are developmentally ready.
In pathway 3 we cover puberty, male and female changes (including periods) and hygiene with year 5 and 6 children who are developmentally and emotionally ready to discuss this, so that they are prepared for when their bodies experience change.
In Pathway 4, the CWP Scheme is taught over 3 lessons per year group each year. Each year group will be taught appropriate to their age and developmental stage. Please note: at no point will a child be taught something that is inappropriate; and if a question from a child arises and the teacher feels it would be inappropriate to answer, (for example, because of its mature or explicit nature), the child will be encouraged to ask their parents or carers at home, and the question will not be answered to the child or class if it is outside the remit of that year group’s programme.
It is good practice for the children to be taught about the changes in their body at the time of puberty. It is also extremely important to use medically correct terms to keep them safe. Ofsted provides full support for this approach (2013) and have raised concerns that some primary schools currently failing to teach specific vocabulary leave children unable to describe abusive behaviours and then fail to safeguard them fully. The knowledge and use of respectful language which challenges sexism, homophobia and other forms of prejudice can be established in RSE and does have benefits for the whole school community – both in and out of lessons.
It is important to us that all parents have the opportunity to view resources and speak to teachers in Term 2 before formal teaching begins in Term 3. Please look through the documents provided and contact your class teacher directly if you have any questions or feedback.