Telephone: 01304 821526
Communication and Interaction:
Verbs are an important language tool which are often harder to use for children who use AAC to communicate. In class we spend a lot of time working on using and understanding verbs to widen communication opportunities. At home you can support this by labelling verbs as you are doing them e.g. 'Mummy open packet' 'George jump' - you can use symbols to show your child to support this to.
Cognition and Learning:
Having choice in our lives is really important and for some of the children it is hard to make choices and feel empowered. You can use visual supports to help your child make a choice at home by showing them a concrete object e.g. two different food options or two photos for example of the park or a shop and they can indicate to you which one they would prefer. This will help children feel more in control of their day to day life and more settled.
Physical and Sensory:
Independence is really important and where possible we will support children to be as independent as possible. At home you can do this to by taking small steps to encourage the children such as passing them their sock/shoe but giving them time to have a go at putting it on or putting squash in a cup for them but encouraging them to add the water.
Social, emotional and mental health:
It is important the children know adults are there to support them to regulate in order to help them learn self regulation. You can do this at home by labelling those things that your child finds regulating e.g. squeeze, walk, blanket and pairing it with the symbol so over time your child can learn to ask for these things.