Telephone: 01304 821526
Learning in Kangaroo class focuses on the children we support and their strengths and needs, which means it can be individualised for each child we teach. We have a high ratio of staff and that allows children to be supported closely and at their own pace and ability.
We provide opportunities to allow the children to explore in a safe environment, using sensory resources and encourage the children to communicate in their preferred way, using speech, communication aids, symbols and visual cues.
The children use various areas of the school as we encourage them to learn how to transition around to new places with support from adults, usually on a 1:1 basis. The areas we mostly use are the sensory playground, swing room, sensory room and the hall. We also venture to the field, music room, cooking room and library when we can. The class timetable incorporates trips out of school to places such as, the Hydro pool, horse riding, forest school and parks.
The activities we provide touch on skills in literacy, maths, creativity, sensory exploration and developing physically. We also spend time daily working on recognising and regulating emotions. We also seek opportunities across the school and with groups of children to work alongside us for special projects, such as Lego therapy or assemblies.
The children have a daily timetable which is developed around the above and also includes a daily attention bucket which is built upon and leads to activities for the children to complete.