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Our Learning

In Meerkats we are building on the attention spans of the children and developing their awareness of being part of a group in their learning. This involves doing focused group learning, using interests as a tool for engagement. We also model how to play games with each other and allow situations for the children to initiate their play either individually or as part of a group. 

In Term 1, our focus is to form new relationships with our peers and supporting adults. We shall also learn our new routine and understand the new expectations on us this year. 

We shall find out what we all like and don't like, and base our learning around these. 

In Term 2, we have been learning how to share and take turns with our friends. We enjoy playing with a variety of toys and games and are learning how to wait when it is not our go. 

We have also been learning how to sit as part of a group, and recognise that we are part of a class group and can work together to solve a problem. 

We have also begun completing activities linked to Christmas and preparing for our Christmas show. 
