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EHCP Provision

All children in Bluebird class will have an EHCP.

They will also have 'Provision Plans' that run alongside their EHCP. These provision plans lay out the educational outcomes for each child which are extremely individualised. It will set out what provision each child requires in order to support them to achieve those outcomes. Parents and Teachers will meet once a year to do an annual review of the EHCP and the provision laid out and the provision plan will also be updated by the class teacher 3 times a year to ensure it is current and meaningful.


In Bluebird class the provision plans are hugely important and are the backbone of our curriculum. The children's individual targets inform the planning and delivery of their timetable and are a key feature throughout the day.


Each child will have a 'keyworker' who will know the child's targets very well and work with the child across their school day to support them in making progress towards these. They then record the daily information for the class teacher. 


The 4 EHCP areas are communication and interaction, cognition and learning, physical and sensory and social emotional and mental health.


Here are some generic points that may help you work on those areas as part of your usual routines at home during these challenging times:


Communication and Interaction: Are  there opportunities throughout the day you can use to practice the form of communication your child is working on? (PECS, Talkpad, speech?) This could be when they ask for a snack, they want to go outside, they are requesting a certain TV programme... Could you start a favourite activity e.g. blowing bubbles, songs and stop the activity to prompt them to repeat their request?


Cognition and Learning: You could set up one activity a day that is your choice of task (but still enjoyable for your child) such as painting, cooking, colouring, sharing books and encourage your child to come and share their attention with you for a short period.


Physical and Sensory: What opportunities are there throughout your usual routine for the child to practice being more independent in their self care? This could be using the toilet, getting dressed, brushing their teeth. You could encourage your child to assist you in helping with certain points of that task to promote independence. 


Sensory diet activities - every child has different sensory needs as  you know. Are there points in the day you can try to add in some sensory diet activities that will help your child? Email me if you need to know more about your child's sensory needs. This could be a foot massage, jumping on a trampoline, tactile activities...


Social, emotional and mental health: What makes your child happy and calm? Could you create a box/bag of these items and use them to redirect them to at times of upset? You could use symbols to begin to show children when they are feeling certain emotions so they can start to recognise how they are feeling. 
