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School Learning

Term 2


The learning that will take place this term is:



Addition and subtraction

Multiplication and division


Literacy Texts:

'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth'

by Michelle Robinson



Food waste / Rocks


Skeletons / Movement / Nutrition




Bronze Age to Iron Age



The Sunshine State of Florida




Netball - Giraffe

Dance - Elephant

Swimming - Zebra



Our Learning Journey

Samphire Hoe Stone Age Day


Year 3 visited Samphire Hoe for a Stone Age Day.

They learnt how to survive in the Stone Age through a series of activities led by the rangers from Samphire Hoe. These included hunting a (wooden) deer, learning how to forage, creating and using Stone Age paints, weaving with willow and whittling an arrow from a piece of hazel wood.  They were also shown how fire was made and how to track animals. 

The sun shone and an enjoyable day was had by all.

How To Wash A Woolly Mammoth

Writing Instructions


As part of our learning about Instruction Writing, the children had to wash a very dirty soft toy and then write instructions explaining what they had to do. This hands on, practical activity generated a lot of enjoyment as well as team work while learning.
